You may have heard the news that the Campus Bookstore is running the promo of the year: THE STANHOPE STATE KOOZIE BLOW OUT! But besides saving 50% and getting free shipping for these drink sweaters, did you know about these other priceless savings?

How many times can you be asked publicly when you’re getting married or if you’re having another child? You will find out soon enough as the Holidays are upon us. So, have your koozie primed and ready with a chilled Busch Latte so you can smile and repeat your preferred party line as you wash that cool, classic liquid down your throat.

Spending Thanksgiving with your new boyfriend/girlfriend for the first time? Or just as difficult, still trying to win over those in-laws? We have the answer, koozies for everyone! For the cousins who always have a coconut La Croix, for the sports loving uncles glued to the TV, and for the “bros” of all ages… everything tastes better in our beloved canned beverage accessory.

Here’s a pro-tip to avoid that uncomfortable silence that comes with walking into a room full of relatives you only see once a year. Instead of talking about the weather, the foods you can only eat on the new trendy diet, or listening to your nieces and nephews talk obsessively about Fortnite… pull out one of our koozies and share the great story of your favorite University and their quest for a second straight national championship.

Don’t forget to pick up a selfie stick at Walmart to send us a family photo enjoying your favorite beverages wrapped up safely in your new Stanhope State koozies. No need to thank us for saving your holiday season. This one’s on us.   

Order by clicking here and stock up, before the political debate starts at the dinner table.

Cheers Stanhope Staters!